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Biete: Scientific web software developer (m/f/d)

von Abt. Personal und Spziales in Dresden | Firma „Leibniz-Institut für Festkörper- und Werkstoffforschung Dresden e. V. (IFW Dresden e.V.)“ | Teilzeit

The Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research Dresden e. V. (IFW Dresden) conducts modern materials research on a scientific basis for the development of new and sustainable materials and technologies. The institute employs an average of 500 people from over 40 nations and, in addi-tion to its scientific tasks, is dedicated to promoting young scientists and engineers. Further infor-mation at: http://www.ifw-dresden.de

The IFW announces the immediate opening for a
Scientific web software developer (m/f/d)

in the Institute for Theoretical Solid State Physics in full-time (part-time possible) limited to 12 months. Extension for another 12 months is planned after an evaluation.

The electronic-structure package FPLO (www.fplo.de) developed at the IFW Dresden is one of the most user friendly and at the same time accurate codes employing density functional theory (DFT). While demand in performing DFT calculations is continuously growing, the process of FPLO installa-tion is cumbersome even for experts and can become prohibitively complicated for inexperienced users. This creates a high barrier to entry and limits the growth of the user community.

Your task will be to develop a web service providing direct access to FPLO – for demonstrational and educational purposes. The work comprises development, testing, and deployment of pertinent backend and frontend infrastructures. This service should feature a simple registration/login interface and must support a seamless work of multiple independent users at the same time.

The candidate (m/f/d) must have excellent command of relevant software and libraries (e.g., Docker, xpra). Experience in the development of web-based scientific software is a must and should be doc-umented in a portfolio of accomplished projects (e.g. also Master-/Diploma theses). Knowledge of FPLO is not required, but experience with any electronic structure calculations package will be an advantage. General knowledge and/or interest in condensed matter physics and publications in inter-nationally recognized journals are welcome, but not required. A university degree and very good knowledge of spoken as well as written English is a prerequisite.

The contract is limited for 12 months with the intention to extend it after evaluation. Remuneration is based on the pay scale TV-L, level EG 13 (full or part-time is possible). We offer an attractive work place with excellent facilities and environment in Dresden.

IFW Dresden strives for a balanced gender ratio in all areas. In science, IFW Dresden would like to increase the proportion of women and therefore explicitly invites suitably qualified female scientists to apply. The application of severely disabled persons is explicitly welcome.

Please send your application with CV, letter of motivation describing your scientific career, skills and experience, as well as copies of all certificates, citing the reference number 032-24-5104 no later than 31 May 2024 as one pdf file to:


Please contact Dr. Oleg Janson (o.janson@ifw-dresden.de) for more information.
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Das Inserat wurde am 02.05.2024 aufgegeben, also vor 86 Tagen .  |   Bisher 401 Klicks.